This is Second part of JSF 2.0 discussion. Please visit part one Update : New Post JasperReports in JSF In JSF 2.0 part 1 post, i used @ManagedBean annotation for POJO java class. Its OK, actually it derived from JSF 1.2.But we should use @Named annotation instead of @ManagedBean, if CDI ( Contexts and Dependency Injection ) environment is available. I used Tomcat 7, its not Java EE 6 server and by default CDI is not available. But we can use JBoss's Weld lib for achieve CDI in tomcat with minimal configuration. Weld is reference implementation of CDI and its comes standalone version also. This standalone version weld provide CDI environment for both Web Application and Java SE application. By default Glassfish 3.0/3.1 server comes with weld library for CDI Environment. Here i am using Glassfish server with CDI enabled. Page Navigation ...