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Showing posts with the label JasperReports

Integrate Chart Image into Jasper Report Part - 2

In my previous post we discussed how to Integrate the Charts into Jasper Reports  using JFreeChart API in Jasper Report. In this post there is another way to embeds the charts into Jasper Reports. This method, we need to generate/create the chart using any 3rd party Java Lib and convert into Image Object or stored into File-system, then just insert the Image into Jasper Report. here no need to use chart functionality in Jasper Report. because these chart are limited functionality. Steps: Create the chart using any Java libraries Convert the Chart into BufferedImage or Stored into files pass the Image into Jasper Report. 1. Create the chart using any Java libraries      In this step we going to create the chart. here i m using jopenchart Java library to create the chart. In their website tutorial section contain some sample codes. so i used these codes. and download the jopenchart lib from here . 2. Convert the chart into BufferedImage or Stored into files     In jop

Integrate Charts in Jasper Reports +JSF 2.0

In this post we will walk through how to integrate Charts (JFreeChart) into Jasper Report framework. JasperReports is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Xlsx, Docx, Pptx, Odf Check my  Introduction to Jasper Reports and  Sub-report with jasper Report posts. 2-ways to Integrate the Charts/Graphs into Jasper Reports Use JFreeChart API inside Jasper Report to generate the Charts while generating reports Use any 3rd party Java Libraries to create the chart and stored in In-memory Image object (or) stored in file. then pass the Image/file to Jasper Report. then embed the Image into Report. (check here ) In this post we going to use 1st option. In Jasper Report use JFreeChart Components to make charts. In my next post we will see the

Deploy the Java Web Application to Jelastic Paas Cloud

Jelastic is Java Paas (Platform as a Service) cloud for Java Server hosting. we can easily create the server  instances (Tomcat, Glassfish ) and SQL Instances (MySQL, PostgreSQL)  and deploy the Java Web applications. Jelastic  website make its easy to use. when we logged in  one of the server then one window popped up, to create the environment here we select servers (Tomcat, GlassFish), Database Servers (MySQL,PostgreSQL) and give the unique name of ur environment. then click create button. Jelastic create the tomcat and MySQL instances. these instance are not shared to others. so we can start/stop these instance at any time. we can change the config files like Tomcat (server.xml,, MySQL(mysql.ini) files. When we create the instances they send mail contain the user name and password for accessing the Database server. In this screen-cast (below) i deploy the  previous post Jasper Report +JSF+JPA Web Application into Jelastic paas cloud. Screen Ca

JSF + JPA + JasperReports (iReport) Part 2

In this post  is  a continuation of Jasper Report Part 1 . here we will discuss about some advanced jasper report concepts like passing complex object like List, Date object and how to create and use local variable in jasper report, Add the sub-report and background image to report. Check my latest post about  Integrate Charts into Jasper Reports . here i am using JPA (Java Persistence API) for accessing the Database. so i create the two entity ShoppingCart and Item. here ShoppingCart entity contain list of Item entities. then i am going to pass these objects to Jasper Report. (Check the video in below) Create Report           now i am going create report. we can use iReport standalone or iReport Netbeans Plugin to create the report. first we need to create some fields in report. these fields are matched with ShoppingCart Bean property names and Data types also. and set the data types of these fields correctly. firstName  ==>

JSF + JPA + JasperReports (iReport) Part 1

Hi in this post we will see the overview of  JasperReports  and how to integrate into JSF application. JasperReports is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word.  In Primeface  library also use this JasperReports to generate the PDF, CSV and DOC formats with single line of code. see here . but its not flexible and we cant change template. so here we see the how to use JasperReports for create the template and integrate  JSF 2.0. We are using iReport tool for crating template. Download JasperReports and iReport Jasper Reports download from here . This zip contain jasper library and its dependencies and lots sample codes. iReport download  from here Now create the simple JSF Application to retrieve the data f