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Learn Java 7

Java 7  is an upcoming major update to Java, releasing on July 28, its upgrade/add many features. Upgraded Features - Java 7 update the XML and Web Service stack to current stable build JAXP 1.4, JAXB 2.2 and JAX-WS 2.2. - Update the Nimbus Look and Feel (Next Cross Platform UI). Its already added Java 6 Update 10. check here - Translucent and shaped Windows        This feature is also included in java 6 update 10.  this features provide to create transparent and any shape window in java. for more info check this New features in java 7 Small languages changes (Project Coin Part 1) Project Coin  is one of the  project in java 7 for java language spec (JLS). Project Coin have 2 parts. the first part is add to java 7. and next part is comes with java 8 in next year (2012).  Binary literals and underscore in numeric literals                    now we can assign bina...