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Showing posts from 2013

HTML5 support in JSF 2.2 with Bean Validation 1.1 (JavaEE 7)

In this post i will show the HTML5 Support given by JSF 2.2, Which is part of Java EE 7 Spec. Also how to integrate the Bean Validation 1.1 feature with help of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) 1.1 spec. Before going the HTML5 support, my earlier posts on JSF, i used @ManagedBean annotation, because its part of Managed Bean Specification (Java EE 6). Another Reason i used Tomcat as a primary container, if i used Managed Bean Spec then its part of Mojjara implementation, so no need to add more CDI specific (Jboss Weld lib) lib to class-path. But from Java EE 7 on-wards, JCP community expand the CDI capabilities and make CDI as important spec in Java EE 7 and Managed Bean spec is deprecated in favor of CDI . so they recommend to use CDI wherever its possible. so our future all post to target the CDI. next post i will show how add the CDI capability to tomcat container.

File Upload is Easy in JSF2.2

To bring the File Upload feature in Java based web application is one of the difficult and complex job, we need to dependent on 3rd party libraries like Apache Commons FileUpload  Libraries. These libraries codes are complex and most of them boilerplate code. If we are using Java Server Faces (JSF), we have the page with some fields and file upload menu the its add more complexity, fields are binded to backing bean but these file uploads components are need to tie up with some 3rd party file upload libraries. In Primefaces provide easy way to do the file upload in JSF web application, even though primefaces internally used the same Apache Commons FileUpload Libraries, but provide simple JSF tags. We need configure  some listeners.

An Introduction to JSF 2.2

Recently Java EE 7 specification goes into final. Next week (June 12) oracle going to release the Java EE 7 specification and Glass Fish 4 as reference implementation to general availability. Java EE 7 adds more features like JSF 2.2, Servlet 3.1, Json Processing, websocket support, etc.. click here about the spec. In this post i'm going walk through in JSF 2.2 JSF 2.2 is added more features, and JSF as  a main presentation layer of Java EE platform. compare to JSP, jsp is not getting more feature, they just add maintenance release.

Tomcat Clustering Series Part 5 : NginX as Load Balancer

Hi this is my fifth part of the  Tomcat Clustering Series . In this post we are going to discuss how to replace Apache httpd load balancer to Nginx as a load balancer.  [Check the video below for better understanding] Hi i finished Tomcat Clustering Series . In these series we have 2 big setups needed for Tomcat Clustering Setup and configure the Load Balancer Configure the Session Replication in Tomcat. In first setup, we configure the Load Balancer using Apache httpd web server. Its open source and widely used. Second setup is session replication in Tomcat through modify/add <cluster> tag in server.xml file. These tomcat instance may run on single machine or different machine. In our Tomcat Clustering Series , the big part is configure the Load balancer (Apache httpd web server). Because there are lots of steps are involved Install the Apache httpd web server from either source or repo Compile and install...