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Beware of SQLInjection in Java Application

Hi In this post we will discuss what is SQL Injection attack. and how its may affect ur any  web application its use the backend database. Here i concentrate on java web application. Open Web Application Security Project(OWAP) listed that SQL Injection is the top vulnerability attack for web application. Hacker's they Inject the SQL code in web request to the web application and take the control of backend database, even that backend database is not directly connected to internet. And we will see how to solve and prevent the SQL Injection in java Web Application. For this purpose we need 1 tools. these tool are completely open source. SQL Map - SqlMap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL Injection. we can get it from here . SQLInjection       SQL injection is the technique to extract the database information through web application. Scenario: we have one database server [MySQL] and web application ser

JSF + JPA + JasperReports (iReport) Part 1

Hi in this post we will see the overview of  JasperReports  and how to integrate into JSF application. JasperReports is the world's most popular open source reporting engine. It is entirely written in Java and it is able to use data coming from any kind of data source and produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word.  In Primeface  library also use this JasperReports to generate the PDF, CSV and DOC formats with single line of code. see here . but its not flexible and we cant change template. so here we see the how to use JasperReports for create the template and integrate  JSF 2.0. We are using iReport tool for crating template. Download JasperReports and iReport Jasper Reports download from here . This zip contain jasper library and its dependencies and lots sample codes. iReport download  from here Now create the simple JSF Application to retrieve the data f

Learn Java 7

Java 7  is an upcoming major update to Java, releasing on July 28, its upgrade/add many features. Upgraded Features - Java 7 update the XML and Web Service stack to current stable build JAXP 1.4, JAXB 2.2 and JAX-WS 2.2. - Update the Nimbus Look and Feel (Next Cross Platform UI). Its already added Java 6 Update 10. check here - Translucent and shaped Windows        This feature is also included in java 6 update 10.  this features provide to create transparent and any shape window in java. for more info check this New features in java 7 Small languages changes (Project Coin Part 1) Project Coin  is one of the  project in java 7 for java language spec (JLS). Project Coin have 2 parts. the first part is add to java 7. and next part is comes with java 8 in next year (2012).  Binary literals and underscore in numeric literals                    now we can assign binary values directly. the output of above code snippets is 32 and 1900000 Strings in switch statement

Running Multiple Tomcat Instances on Single Machine

In this post we will see how to run multiple tomcat instances on single machine and under single user account. We first see the  tomcat directory structure. . here each folder uses following purpose. bin -  It contains all binary and script files for running tomcat. lib - contains all shared libraries used for tomcat conf - contains configuration information like which port tomcat can bind , etc... logs - it contain all logging details temp - this folder tomcat used for temporary files purpose webapps - this folder is very important. here we put all application war files. work - If application contain any jsp then jsp is translated and converted into servlet its stores here. In when run the tomcat its uses 5 environment variables. They are  CATALINA_HOME, CATALINA_BASE, CATALINA_TMPDIR, JRE_HOME/JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH in above list CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME is mandatory environment variables. all others are optional and its c